Hope Walks

About 2 years ago, my daughter began to dream about hiking the Appalachian Trail once she got out of High School and before she entered the “Real World”. As an avid outdoorsman who had dreamed of hiking the AT all my life, my answer to her was obvious…”Cool, can I come too?”

So here we are, ready to step into a Father-Daughter adventure on April 11, 2020. We will be carrying 30 lb backpacks for 5.5 months from Springer Mountain, GA all the way to Baxter State Forest and Mt Katahdin in Maine! We are nervous, anxious, excited and feeling just a little bit crazy!

As we researched for the trip, we kept running into one inevitable conclusion…If we are not walking for something bigger than just our own enjoyment, it will get old and we will most likely quit. Frankly, the success rate on this journey is historically much higher for people who are undertaking it because they are hiking with a purpose…perhaps healing from something such as a job loss or the loss of a loved one, or maybe trying to raise awareness about something they are passionate about. Face it, something has to drive you to suffer in the rain and mud, up tortuously steep climbs, and through the pain of blisters and aching knees. We determined that neither one of us wanted to lose a job or a loved one, so we better find a purpose we are passionate about!

Lo and behold, we did not need to look far. Cabinet Joint already sponsors so many great organizations (check out our Change the World page) and one of them is Hope Walks, an organization whose mission is as follows:

“Motivated by our hope in Christ, Hope Walks frees children, families, and communities from the burden of clubfoot.”

When we read that, we thought, “Here we are walking 2200 miles on healthy legs and feet while there are thousands and thousands of children in third world countries who not only can’t walk at all but are social outcasts because of their deformity. It is heartbreaking!” We thought that if our hike could bring awareness to this cause and this organization while improving the life of even just one child, it would be well worth it!

So I ask only that you consider this cause and this organization. If you would like to partner with us, just visit our fundraiser page here! You can even follow us along the trail as we will be posting pre-hike updates on our training, gear and more. Once on the trail, we will try and update a few times a week so you can see our progress. Our goal for this is to raise $10,000 for Hope Walks and seeing as they can eradicate Clubfoot from the life of one child for only $432, we are praying that it won’t take long to reach or even surpass the goal!

Won’t you join us?

Visit Our Fundraiser Page ยป

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