While we don’t sell Barrister Hardware, we can help you order a cabinet that will fit it. This is a great option for hidden microwave cabinets or other hidden storage needs. Comment, give us a call, or reach out to your Cabinet Coach with any questions. We hope you enjoy your new cabinets!


4 thoughts on “Barrister Hardware

    1. Hi Jason,
      Yes, we have had customer use this brand barrister hinge before. Another brand we have seen used is the Rockler barrister hinge. The exact hinge model is determined by the size and weight of the door. I would recommend contacting your cabinet coach for further assistance.

  1. We would like to hide our microwave in exactly the same way as you did in this video. We didn’t catch the name of the company that you referred to in the video. Can you send me that name. Thanks.

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