Brian explains how to install the Blum Aventos HK Lift Hinges. These tip-up top hinges are perfect for upper cabinets, or in this case a countertop cabinet. Bonus: they soft-close! Note that the location of the hinge will be different for overlay and inset. Comment, give us a call, or reach out to your Cabinet Coach with any questions. We hope you enjoy your new cabinets!
I just installed these on an inset cabinet above a vent hood after putting it off for a few days because I was intimidated. Thanks for the video!!!
I used a 3/16” bit for the pilot holes and measured 3” plus a hair down, and 1.5” minus a hair back. I was able to make final alignment adjustments after the door was mounted and it looks great!
Sharing for anyone else who feels dizzy at the mention of 1/32 of an inch 🙂