Two options to shim your base cabinets up if your flooring is coming in after your cabinets are installed. Comment, give us a call, or reach out to your Cabinet Coach with any questions. We hope you enjoy your new cabinets!


One thought on “Installation: Shimming Base Cabinets to Account for Flooring

  1. If you install the cabinets without shimming and then install floor up to it (and then into the DW and Fridge openings), you are closing down the space for the DW and fridge to slide in to. With thin vinyl plank flooring, this is less of an issue, but with hardwood floors, tile (with hardiboard underlayment) and some engineered floors, the amount you lose in these openings when not shimming cabinets up to finished floor level can be substantial. Another consideration is that toe baord will all need to be ripped down to fit in the space and that the resulting countertop height will be lower since the cabinet is below floor level. Again, not a big concern with vinyl plank, but some of the decision will be based on your actual floor thickness. In the end, it’s always the customers call, we just like to warn of the possible issues that can result if you don’t carefully think through the impact of not shimming up the cabinets. Typically, there is no harm in doing so, so it’s almost always a good idea.

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