Filler Columns are an important part of a put-together kitchen, but how do you put them together? Stay tuned in this video as Brian explains Base, Tall, and Wall Filler Column (BFC/CSBFC, WFC/CSWFC, TFC/CSWFC) specifications and variations and guides you through assembly of these kitchen staples. Feel free to direct additional questions to your Cabinet Coach or visit to learn more.


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Video Transcript

[Music] Hey everybody, Brian from Cabinet Joint here. Today, we're going to talk about the assembly of the filler columns. We have a base filler column, a wall filler column, and a tall filler column. They all accomplish the same thing. Let's talk about some specs before we get into the assembly. They're all available in 3 inches or 6 inches. There's no customization on these in terms of width, it's 3 inches or 6 inches only for all three of the variations: wall, base, and tall. The flutes, you can see this one has flutes on it, this one does not. You can get it with no flutes, or you can get it with rounded or tapered flutes. There are actually three different flute styles you can do on these columns. And if you have a 3-inch, you're going to get three flutes. If you have a 6-inch, you're going to get six flutes. What you can do is, if you have a tall filler column or a base filler column, such as this one, you can stop the flutes 6 inches short of the floor if you want to because you're going to have a toe kick here. So you can stop the flutes 6 inches short as if there was a toe kick, so the flutes would end up here and this would all be flush toe. So talk to your cabinet coach about that, but you can dictate the stop and start points of the flutes on a base filler column. The standard is, I think it's 2 inches top and then the 6 inches at the bottom. And then on a wall, it's two and two. And the tall ones are the same as the base where they have the bigger space at the bottom and then two inches at the top. But again, you can dictate those with your cabinet coach if you want. They're available 5 1/2 inches deep all the way up to 30 inches deep so you can vary your widths any way you want. These are really ideal pieces to use on like ends of an island. What we often see is, you have a main area of cabinets and then we would use base filler columns on the two legs and then your seating area is capped at the ends by these base filler columns. So your cabinet coach or your designer can walk you through that, but we see the base filler columns used quite often. For refrigerators, we'll often see customers take the tall filler columns and sandwich the bridge cabinet between and then put the refrigerator in the hole. So now you have these nice tall fluted columns left and right. I think these were a lot more common with the flutes back in the day when we had a lot of opulence to our kitchens. But now that everything's kind of going Shaker and real simple in style, if you use these, we typically see the no flutes. Let's talk really quick about the heights. The base filler columns are available 31 1/2 inches high to 96 inches high. Ironically, that's the same spec as the tall filler columns, 31 1/2 inches high to 96 inches. I think the only reason we really have a tall and a base version is so customers don't get confused. They're looking for a tall and can't find it. We have a tall in the tall section and the base in the base section. The wall filler columns are available 12 inches all the way up to 65 inches high and those heights are all variable by a 16th of an inch so you do have customization vertically, you just don't have it with width. 3 or 6 inches only. Aside from that, these are pretty straightforward cabinets to build. So, I want to get you into the assembly now to show you how they go together and again, this assembly works regardless of which of the three variations you have. The assembly is identical. Let's get started.

Okay, let's get started on the assembly of these filler columns. I'm going to start with the base filler column. They go together identically. There's no difference really. But you can see the wall filler column laying next to me. The parts are the same. You're going to get two cabinet sides, a top and a bottom strip, I'll call them. They're almost not tops and bottoms but it's like strips for the top and bottom, a filler, and no back. You're not looking for a typical back that you would have with a normal cabinet. So, you'll see all that in the assembly. Let's get started on this base filler column. It's the same as every other cabinet. You're going to have a finished side on the inside on both cabinets. We're going to grab our bottle of glue and we're going to run a bead of glue on both shoulders all the way down.

Alright, I got my glue. On this particular box column, this one has an extended style on the left-hand side. The customer is going to be tucking a panel up behind so we want to make sure this is our top. So, we want to make sure we assemble this correctly. My finish side in, I'm going to take my side panel and place it in the groove just like any other assembly. That's my left side. Do the same thing with my right side. Actually, you can see I already made a mistake but it's actually good to do that sometimes. You have to run a bead of glue halfway up both these dovetails and with a narrow cabinet like this, you almost can't get in there. So, you're going to have to spread it a little bit with your hand. You can also do that gluing beforehand if you'd like. Okay, now we can straighten that back out, just kind of holding it with my fingers there. Grab one of your spreader strips, finish side in ideally, although it doesn't really matter with these because you're not going to ever see the inside. I'm going to push that down until it contacts. Same with this one. Okay, I'm going to give our parts a little tap. Okay, that is your basic box column assembly. What makes this one a little bit different than one with no flush ends is you're going to have to clamp this. So, I don't have the clamps handy but I'm going to run a front-to-back clamp on both sides to hold this seam right here nice and tight all the way down. Again, we don't always see two flush ends but you're going to want to have clamps on both sides of this or put a block of wood and try to get both sides with one clamp if you have a block of wood in the back. Fielder's choice on that. But again, that's how they go together and they're about the easiest cabinets you could possibly build. These and refrigerator end panels, dishwasher end panels, super easy and typically only require one person. If you ever have questions, contact your cabinet coach. They'll walk you through it. Hope you enjoyed watching. [Music]

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