Here are some recent videos we have added to the library. We hope these are helpful for you!

Vanity sink divider panels for Combo Sink Cabinets

Conestoga’s combo vanity cabinets (drawers combined with sink base) come with a plywood panel that is intended to divide the sink area from the drawer area. Since this partition is not required, they do not do any kind of routing or preparation to receive the panels. This leaves some customers confused as to how to install them. This video should give some helpful tips!


Unfinished Cabinet Option

Many customers ask us if Conestoga supplies cabinets unfinished so that they can apply their own custom finish. The answer is ABSOLUTELY! And at terrific savings too, often as much as 30% vs finished cabinets! This video explains the option in more detail, but suffice it to say, Conestoga can supply anything unfinished. There is no separate offering of unfinished product, you simply instruct us that this is what you want and we will take care of quoting it that way for you.


Soss Hinge Alternative

Conestoga generally uses a Soss hinge to join pie cut susan doors together (see our video on this in our video library). However, several door styles cannot use the Soss hinge as the edge profile is too thin to allow it. A good example of this is the Milan door in the Mitered selection, a popular contemporary mitered piece that looks terrific….but how do you join the susan doors together if you cannot get the soss hinge option? While Conestoga does not provide a solution for us (or you), we have used a special hinge made by Salice to join these doors. The trick is that BOTH susan doors get a Pattern B cup hinge route. This video explains the whole process, what the hinge is and where to buy it. We even give you the part number! Maybe some day, Conestoga will offer it as a plug and play option

Sink Base Top Strips

In Summer 2014, Conestoga changed the way they do the top spreader strips on Base and Vanity sink cabinets. The Assembly is very similar, but has confused some folks. This video should clear it up. We think it was a great improvement!

Inset Cabinet Overview

We get a ton of questions on ‘what is an inset cabinet’. We thought we would cover the basics in a quick video and also talk about some of the considerations you will face with inset cabinets.

170 Degree Blum hinge option for Inset cabinets

Conestoga does not offer the 170 Susan hinge on pie cut cabinets when ordered with inset doors. Instead, you get the standard 120 degree concealed hinge just like on the rest of the cabinets. Again, since Conestoga did not provide a ready made solution, we had to find our own. And we did! Blum makes a mounting plate that works with the 170 hinge in an inset application. This video show the mounting plate, the blum part number and where you can buy it. We hope that someday, Conestoga will offer this as a standard. Please note that the 170 hinge MUST be specified on your quote (it will show as a loose part, not a part of the cabinet itself) and you would need to order this mounting plate.

Installing Glass in your glass Prepared Doors

Conestoga does not sell glass with its prep-for-glass doors, but it does sell a wonderful rubberized gasket molding to hold it in that is SO much better than clips or silicon. We often get questions as to what the material is as it is shipped with every glass door, but they do not provide any instructions on how to use it. This video should make it very clear for you (no pun intended)!


Crown Moldings

This video is a simple primer on the basic crown moldings that Conestoga offers. These are the standard profiles, but they offer many other designer profiles also found on this site

Removable Panel Option for Range Hoods

Stanisci, the manufacturer of the deluxe hoods, offers a removable panel option to allow your HVAC folks to make connections easily versus trying to do it AFTER the hood liner/blower are installed. This video talks about this option and its importance.

Touch Up Kits

Conestoga DOES offer touch up kits for their finishes. We try and send one free of charge with all kitchen sized orders, but you can order one as well. This video describes what you get and how much they cost.

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