Video Transcript
[Music] Hey everybody, Brian from the cabinet join here. I want to talk today about a couple of new colors we've introduced in 2023. It is now November 2023, and earlier in this year, we released a couple of new colors: one in the pastel, one is like a light gray. I want to talk real quick about the way the color wheel is evolving.
Um, paints primarily, we have 1,500 if not more, uh, matches to Sherwin-Williams colors. Um, so Sherwin-Williams is the big dog on the Block, and they've got all these beautiful colors you see when you walk in their showroom, and many of these are sought after by people wanting to put them on their cabinets, and as they've ordered these things, we've kind of taken some of the common ones and filled in the blanks in our own color spectrum. So we're seeing a lot with pastels.
The first color I want to introduce to you is Fern. It's obviously Fern. It's a green, kind of a soft green. It's not one of those real jarring greens we were seeing for a while, kind of emeraldy or real harsh. This is a really soft pastel. This would look great if you had a Walnut Island or maybe the Walnut kitchen or a dark brown kitchen and this is the island, but this would go really well with your wood tones. Could also go well with another paint but um, we really think of this as almost like a Furniture Island to complement a wood tone kitchen or wood floors. Really, really pretty color.
And by the way, this one is a close match. Don't quote me on the match match, but the closest color in the Sherwin-Williams spectrum is their Retreat color, which is SW 6207. So you can go to your Sherwin-Williams dealer, um, and I would go to the dealer and not like a Lowe's because they use different names sometimes, but go to your local Sherwin-Williams store, and you can find the color card, and it's going to be very, very close to this color.
Um, the other one is called gun smoke, and this is a light gray. If you were to pull the trigger on a gun and you see that puff of smoke that comes out the barrel, this is kind of like that. It's a light, light whitish-gray color. If you put this up with a white, this is our Heron color, which is just a little off-white, actually quite off-white. It's very, very gray if you look at, got it in conjunction with pull up a prop here, one of our more traditional Grays, you can see it's very, very light.
So this is a much lighter gray than the metro and the cadets and some of those other colors we've had for a while, so feel free to use this one as part of your design repertoire. This one also has a match. This one is a match to 7663 monorail silver, so you can go to the Sherwin-Williams store, pull that card, and you're going to be very close to that color, and that will prevent you from going off track and ordering samples from us only to find you don't like the color.
Go to the Sherwin-Williams store, take a look first, and if you like the color, then order your sample from us to see how close it is. It's usually within a shade or two. So we hope this helps, um, and again as the color wheel evolves, um, cabinetry, cars, everything changes with the times. We're trying to fill in the blanks with our own offering, and people seem to be coming away from white, white, white, white all the time, and they are doing more of these pastels and grays to fill in the kitchen in a different way.
So we hope this helps give your cabinet coach a call if you want samples or have any questions at all. Thanks for [Music] watching.