Installing Base Lazy Susan Trays
Installing lazy susan trays to a BLS cabinet shelf or floor. This must be done prior to cabinet assembly!
Installing lazy susan trays to a BLS cabinet shelf or floor. This must be done prior to cabinet assembly!
We have pretty much this exact set up for our lazy susan. The top shelf of ours is pretty broken. I doubt it can be repaired in-place and probably needs to be replaced somehow. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to replace or retrofit something. The turntables obviously won’t fit through the cabinet door. I need to look at it more, but it doesn’t look like there’s a way to easily unfasten the shelf that sits on in order to lower it enough to get the right angle to pull the turntable our of the cabinet door without cutting it, and of course, put a replacement back in. It’s not a big deal to cut the one that’s in there to take it out, but I have no idea how I would get a replacement in unless there is a multi-piece retrofit kit available or something like that. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you.
We suggest to get a smaller susan. The susan for the 33″ BLS will go in the opening for a BLS36 with no issues. Yes, you lose some rotary shelf space, but you will gain “shelf” space around the susan tray and in the back corner. We don’t think its worth butchering the existing cabinet/shelf to gain a few inches of diameter on the susan rotary tray. Note that you STILL may need to lower the middle shelf to fit the 28″ susan tray, but the shelf should be adjustable (if these are our cabinets. If not, you really should talk to who you bought them from or whoever manufactured them)
So you are not screwing the rotating plate down, you only screwed the wood down to stop it from rotating.
Yes, just securing the base plate down so that the susan tray rotates freely but the base plate is secured to the shelf.