Filler column assembly and descriptions of how they are used


6 thoughts on “Base/Tall Filler Column (BFC/WFC/TFC) Description and Assembly

  1. Purchased a couple of these to support an island overhang.
    How would I install these to a pony wall located between the filler columns and the “sink side” of the island since the column does not have a back panel ?

    1. Hey Daniel, Thanks for your question. You could affix these to a pony wall a few different ways, but I would recommend attaching a block to the wall surface and, since the back of the BFC is open, you then slide it over the block and affix it through the sides of the filler column. Just be mindful if either/both of the filler columns’ sides will be exposed to determine the least visible way to screw/nail the column in place. Feel free to reach out to your sales rep directly if you would like more clarification. Have a great day!

  2. Can you use 84-94”Tall Filler on either side of an integrated refrigerator? Would assume you would then mount a regular cabinet (eg 12-24” tall upper) above the refrigerator and perhaps attach the Tall Fillers to either side of cabinet.

  3. My dishwasher is at the end of a run. Can I put this at the end of the dishwasher? Can I put an electrical box outlet in it? What width would I need? Thanks.

    1. Hey Madelyn, thanks for your question! Yes, this Base Filler Column (BFC) can certainly be used at the end of a run as you’ve mentioned. Just keep in mind that since this comes with ‘normal’ cabinet sides, the space between them on the 3″W BFC version is only about 1.5″W. You probably would need to use the 6″W version (which would have about 4.5″ of space between the two cabinet sides) to create enough space for an electrical outlet to be installed. Once you have a quote with us, your assigned Cabinet Coach would be happy to assist you with any additional questions – have a great day!

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