Conestoga Product Updates for 2014!
As is the norm for Conestoga, they continue to innovate and evolve both their custom product offering as well as their flagship RTA cabinet product line. Here is a brief summary of some of the more exciting updates and changes for Winter 2014:
- Finished bottoms/tops on wall cabinets: Conestoga now offers a clear UV finish on the bottoms of Advantage series wall cabinets. This option does not include color matched finishing. To get this, you must still request the finished bottom panel option with B11 light rail.
- Single drawer base cabinets: Customers are always looking for a way to do drawer cabinets for benches or under window seats. This cabinet is a low, single drawer base which is available in a range of sizes from 12 to 36 wide, 12 t0 21 high and 12-30 deep. A double drawer version is available in widths from 30 to 48″. For added elegance, consider a solid wood panel to finish off the seating surface.
- Wall and base cabinets are now available in 3 door versions from 48 to 72″ wide. This allows you to take some cost out of the project as it is always less money to do one large cabinet than it is to do several small ones. With inset design, this is especially critical as you can now avoid ‘stacking’ framing of multiple cabinets together which results in 3″ spacing between doors. This provides a more custom look to any inset job.
- Wall corner Pie Cut cabinets (WCP) are now available in asymmetric sizes with each leg being independently sized anywhere from 24 to 30″ wide. Units 24-27 will have 12.5″ deep sides while units 27-30 will have 15.5″ deep sides. This means the 27″ version can have either depth side. This addition makes corner designs much easier.
- Weathered Grain option: This interesting finish offering was introduced last year, but has been expanded. Basically, weathered grain gives the wood a pitted, aged look much like a piece of driftwood. Take a look at the picture below…
- Addition of two new Grey colortone paints: Conestoga has had repeated inquiries for additional grey colors. Hearthstone Grey, introduced a year ago, has been a good seller and they have rounded out the offering with some darker grey paints: Cadet Grey and Metropolitan Grey. Cadet Grey is a medium grey while the Metropolitan is a darker grey. See the image below for the two new grey colors.
- Conestoga now offers a toe kick notch option for wainscot side panels. Specify left, right or both when ordering.
- New door designs: Enfield door is a contemporary flat panel design while Midland is an attractive mitered door with a beaded edge appearance. What makes this door special is that is is one of the only mitered doors offered where you can specify any of the 4 standard framing bead profiles, thereby allowing some design creativity.
Of course, if you have any questions on any of the new releases, let us know! We have updated many of the catalogs on the downloads page of the site, but have not updated the actual product pages at this time. For up to date and complete information, always use the catalogs while building your quote request.
Could you please send me a pic of the new enfield cabinet as I do not see it here. Can a get afinish in another blue color other than the slate? Thanks