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- Features two diagonal crisscrossed mullion patterns.
- Available with or without one centered horizontal mullion.
- All 3/4″ framing beads available. Regular, Ogee, Square and Elite beads also available in 1″.
- Matching mullion profiles in F-007, F-1223, Regular, Ogee and Square. Elite and F-877 framing beads receive Regular bead mullion profile.
- Minimum door size – 8-5/8″ x 13-1/8″ with 2-5/16″ wide framing.
- Clear plastic retainer moulding standard unless otherwise specified. Wood retainer moulding or no retainer moulding options available.
- Double X Horizontal Lite Mullion receives an 8 lite design charge.
- Double X Horizontal Lite Mullion openings are equal.
- Odd mullion configurations upcharge applies.